Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen


Citizen Staff Writer

Compiled by Antonio Garcia. For information call, 573-4561.

Muriel S. Anderson, 77, Feb. 8, U.S. Air Force. Bring’s Broadway Chapel

James Angiulo, 61, Feb. 8, judge. Bring’s Broadway Chapel

Margery A. Barrasso, 83, Feb. 6, real estate agent. Hudgel’s Swan Funeral Home

William Bearly, 86, Feb. 7, farmer. Bring’s Broadway Chapel

James Bell, 87, Jan. 18, construction superintendent. Bring’s Memorial Chapel

Larry D. Braman, 83, Feb. 10, accountant. Bring’s Broadway Chapel

Abram Deherrera, 94, Feb. 9, aerospace engineer. Hudgel’s Swan Funeral Home

Virginia L. Edwards, 87, Feb. 5, appliance repair. Hudgel’s Swan Funeral Home

Priscilla Forbes, 93, Feb. 8, registered nurse. Bring’s Broadway Chapel

Richard Gastelum, 67, Jan. 10, massage therapist. Bring’s Memorial Chapel

Warren Gibbons, 87, Feb. 4, real estate broker. Hudgel’s Swan Funeral Home

Frank C. Gussoni Jr., 89, Jan. 17, U.S. Navy. Bring’s Memorial Chapel

Richard J. Handley, 73, Feb. 7, U.S. Postal Service. Hudgel’s Swan Funeral Home

Donald L. Hill, 72, Feb. 5, business owner. Bring’s Broadway Chapel

Freeman B. Hover, 79, Feb. 9, teacher. Bring’s Broadway Chapel

Keith W. Jackson, 76, Feb. 7, banker. Hudgel’s Swan Funeral Home

June Koltun, 83, Jan. 19, homemaker. Bring’s Memorial Chapel

Phillips Marshall, 87, Jan. 24, truck driver. Bring’s Memorial Chapel

Mia Matheson, infant, Jan. 27, Bring’s Memorial Chapel

Elsie Miller, 91, Feb. 9, registered nurse. Bring’s Broadway Chapel

Lois Perry, 89, Feb. 3, waitress. Bring’s Memorial Chapel

Jack Wayne Phillips, 82, Feb. 7, city planner. Adair Funeral Homes Avalon Chapel

Emily Reed, 9, Feb. 9, student. Bring’s Broadway Chapel

John Henry Reese Jr., 71, Feb. 9, manager. Bring’s Broadway Chapel

Dorothy D. Reith, 95, Feb. 3, accountant. Adair Funeral Homes Avalon Chapel

Madeline Seideman, 93, Feb. 9, real estate agent. Bring’s Broadway Chapel

Mary H. Spencer, 88, Feb. 5, respiratory therapist. Hudgel’s Swan Funeral Home

Adeline Stommes Shank, 95, Feb. 5, beautician. Bring’s Broadway Chapel

Eleanor G. Strader, 83, Feb. 9, secretary. Bring’s Memorial Chapel

Margaret E. Taylor, 83, Feb. 6, homemaker. Bring’s Memorial Chapel

Alice G. Umfress, 61, Feb. 1, cashier. Hudgel’s Swan Funeral Home

Esther Valenzuela, 76, Jan. 25, homemaker. Bring’s Memorial Chapel

Carl Vesely, 79, Feb. 9, teacher. Bring’s Broadway Chapel

Andrew R. Warack, 78, Feb. 9, communications engineer. Bring’s Memorial Chapel

Jeanne T. Winters, 81, Feb. 6, secretary. Hudgel’s Swan Funeral Home

Gideon E. Wright, 86, Feb. 6, banker. Hudgel’s Swan Funeral Home

Our Digital Archive

This blog page archives the entire digital archive of the Tucson Citizen from 1993 to 2009. It was gleaned from a database that was not intended to be displayed as a public web archive. Therefore, some of the text in some stories displays a little oddly. Also, this database did not contain any links to photos, so though the archive contains numerous captions for photos, there are no links to any of those photos.

There are more than 230,000 articles in this archive.

In TucsonCitizen.com Morgue, Part 1, we have preserved the Tucson Citizen newspaper's web archive from 2006 to 2009. To view those stories (all of which are duplicated here) go to Morgue Part 1

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