Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

Tucsonan guilty of manslaughter

Citizen Staff Writer



A Tucson man pleaded guilty on Tuesday to manslaughter for a vehicle crash that killed a 9-year-old girl riding on an all-terrain vehicle.

Pima County Superior Court Judge Howard Hantman will sentence John Michael Kellogg, 24, on March 12.

Kellogg was charged with manslaughter, aggravated assault and criminal damage for the March 14 crash that killed Lizette Ruiz of West Chumblers Road.

Lizette’s stepfather – Victoriano Diaz-Morales, 42, who also was on the all-terrain vehicle, sustained injuries that were not life-threatening. Neither wore a helmet.

Detectives estimated that Kellogg was going at least 66 mph in a 25-mph zone on a dirt road when his Jeep Cherokee collided with the ATV. Both vehicles were traveling west on Chumblers Road near South Spur Drive.

Kellogg is being held without bond in the Pima County Jail pending sentencing.

Tucson man, 24, pleads guilty to manslaughter in ATV crash that kills 9-year-old girl

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