Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

‘Whoowee! Rednecks, fireworks and alcohol! Is this a great state or what?’ leftfield

Citizen Staff Writer

Compiled by MARK KIMBLE


The story: The fireworks industry is trying to persuade lawmakers to allow residents to buy and use sparklers and fountain fireworks.

Your take: No thanks. A few see this as a freedom issue, but most think it is a bad idea.

lutedaman notes recent wildfires that killed almost 200 people and warns, “One spark is all it needs to get results that just occurred in Australia.”

Ugena has a lesson closer to home: “We went to Las Cruces, New Mexico, one year for the Fourth of July and you would not believe how many people had fireworks and how many roofs caught on fire.”

Black Kat doesn’t want fireworks but says if it happens, “They must also put legislation in place to hold those responsible for resulting damage accountable.”

Among the minority is trodelpost who wrote, “About time there’s legislation encouraging more freedom.”

And from xflbret: “I would rather look after myself and decide what is and isn’t safe rather than have the government do that for me.”



For Thursday, Feb. 12

1 I-10 work to be finished in December – four months early.

2 Obama to promote stimulus plan in Phoenix.

3 S. Arizona state representative calls Tucson’s leaders ‘hippies.’

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