Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

McCain discounts stimulus, asks friends for donations

Citizen Staff Writer


Exactly 98 days after Barack Obama defeated him in the presidential race, Sen. John McCain is again asking for money.

This week, McCain sent e-mail to supporters confirming that in 2010 he will seek his fifth six-year Senate term.

McCain wrote that “being the Republican nominee for President was one of the great honors of my life.”

But McCain wants to continue representing Arizona in the Senate. “The magnitude of the financial crisis that many American families are facing makes it clear to me that I want to continue to serve our country,” he wrote.

McCain also slammed the stimulus package approved by Congress. “The Democrats in Congress propose . . . increased spending that wastes billions of taxpayers dollars and saddles our children and grandchildren with a staggering debt,” he wrote.

McCain said he anticipates “a tough re-election challenge.” That’s unlikely.

During the presidential campaign, McCain became well-known for calling every gathering “my friends.” So it’s not surprising that his bare-bones re-election Web site is named Friends of McCain.

He invites his friends to stop by and donate any amount from $25 to the legal maximum of $4,800. There’s even a convenient monthly payment plan.

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