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Five finalists named for dean of UA law school

Citizen Staff Writer



The University of Arizona announced five finalists for dean of the James E. Rogers College of Law on Thursday.

Only one of the candidates is a woman and only one is from UA.

Toni M. Massaro, who has served as law school dean for the past decade, announced in October that she will step down in July.

The finalists:

• Gregory A. Hicks is the interim dean and a law professor at the University of Washington School of Law.

Hicks specializes in property, water, natural resources and public land law. He has been a visiting law professor at UA.

• Marc Miller is the Ralph W. Bilby Professor of Law at UA’s College of Law.

His research specialties are criminal procedure, sentencing law and issues related to sustainability and environmental policy law.

• Rex R. Perschbacher holds the Daniel J. Dykstra Endowed Chair at the University of California-Davis School of Law.

His research has centered on civil procedure, the professional responsibility of lawyers, civil rights, legal education and ethics.

• Lawrence Ponoroff is the dean and Mitchell Franklin Professor of Private & Commercial Law at Tulane University School of Law in New Orleans, La.

In private practice, Ponoroff specialized in commercial litigation and general corporate practice.

• Margaret Raymond is a law professor at the University of Iowa’s College of Law.

Prior to her UI position, Raymond was a law clerk to the late U.S. Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall.

Raymond’s specialties are constitutional criminal procedure and substantive criminal law.

Eller College of Management Dean Paul Portney chaired the search committee, which has about 20 members and includes representatives from UA’s student body and faculty as well as practicing lawyers and judges, according to a UA news release.

The candidates will visit UA over the next six weeks for interviews and meetings with constituents on and off campus.

The search committee will make a recommendation to UA Provost Meredith Hay at the conclusion of the interviews.

Massaro will remain at the law school, where she is a Regents’ professor and holds the Milton O. Riepe Chair in Constitutional Law. She will return to the faculty and pursue scholarly and professional interests.

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