Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

2nd arrest in failed home invasion

Citizen Staff Writer



Deputies have arrested a second man suspected in a Feb. 5 armed home invasion, and continue to look for two more, a sheriff’s spokeswoman said Friday.

Deputies believe Alejandro Durazo, 22, is the suspect holding a rifle in the homeowner’s surveillance video, said Deputy Dawn Barkman.

Pima County sheriff’s investigators found Durazo Thursday night while searching for Jesus Mendivil, 23, another suspect in the home invasion in the 300 block of West Vande Loo Street, on the city’s Southwest Side near Mission and Valencia roads, Barkman said.

David Gutierrez, 22, was arrested Wednesday in connection with the incident.

Durazo and Gutierrez were booked into the Pima County Jail and remained there Friday afternoon on charges of attempted armed robbery, attempted aggravated robbery, and aggravated assault.

Barkman said four men were armed with “handguns and an assault rifle,” when they attempted the home invasion.

The homeowner had a handgun “easily accessible” near the front door. He fired at the suspects, hitting one of them in the arm, Barkman said.

The men fled in a light blue Chrysler 300, she said.

Deputies are still looking for Mendivil and one other suspect between the ages of 17 and 25, Barkman said.

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