Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

Aridzona, snuff fireworks bill fizzle in dry Az

Citizen Staff Writer
Our Opinion

As if the Legislature doesn’t have important matters to consider in this wretched economy, now comes a bill to legalize sparklers and fountain fireworks in Arizona.

No thanks. As in Australia, one spark from fireworks in bone-dry Arizona could decimate an entire landscape. The flickering fun produced by these fireworks is far from benign; it can be disastrous.

The bill from the House Commerce Committee is being pushed by the fireworks industry. It most assuredly is not being promoted by health and safety advocates or by conservationists and environmentalists.

Republicans Fife Symington and Jane Hull both vetoed similar legislation as governors in the 1990s, rightly noting the wildfire danger inherent in fireworks in the desert.

The Aspen and Bullock fires that scarred Mount Lemmon are good modern reminders. No to fireworks.

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