Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

Arsonist leaves S. Side man homeless Sunday

Citizen Staff Writer



A fire that left a South Side man homeless Sunday was set, a Tucson Fire Department spokeswoman said.

No one was injured in the 11:35 a.m. fire in the 1000 block of East 28th Street, Capt. Tricia Tracy said.

The fire, set in roofing materials leaning against the home, did an estimated $70,000 damage, Tracy said.

The man who lives alone in the home was away when the fire was set, she said.

Neighbors called 911 after spotting smoke coming from the home, she said.

The fire destroyed the garage, a storage room and a bedroom, Tracy said.

There are no suspects, she said.

Fire that left South Side man homeless was set, firefighter says

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