Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

Fort Lowell Park plan discussed Wednesday

Citizen Staff Writer



A final public meeting on the Fort Lowell Park Master Plan will be held Wednesday night at Morris K. Udall Regional Park.

A consultant for the Tucson Parks & Recreation Department and the Pima County Office of Cultural Resources and Historic Preservation will present a final preferred concept for improvements at Fort Lowell Park.

The plan’s goal is to integrate resources at the park, including those on the Adkins parcel, at the southwest corner of East Fort Lowell and North Craycroft roads.

Existing recreational and sports fields and the natural area bordering the Pantano Wash are included in the plan.

The meeting will run from 6 to 8 p.m. at the Carol W. West Senior Addition at Udall Park, 7200 E. Tanque Verde Road.

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