Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

Scavenger hunt to help on ideas for buildings

Citizen Staff Writer



Three artists are putting on a Downtown Scavenger Hunt to generate ideas from participants on what can be done with 10 vacant buildings.

Clues to find the 10 mystery buildings will be given out between noon and 2 p.m. March 1 at Shot in the Dark Café, 121 E. Broadway.

Small activities will take place at each scavenger hunt building, especially jotting down thoughts of what could happen with each building. Organizers plan to compile participants’ ideas and present them to the building’s owners, said graphic designer and writer Julie Ray.

The scavenger hunt is put on by Pop Up Spaces, a new collaboration with Ray, artist Rachelle Diaz, founder of the Tu Scene blog, and photographer Molly McClintock, a founder of MAXED ART, a multidisciplinary artist collective.

For more information, contact Ray at 891-8098.

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