Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

Helping renters in foreclosures

Citizen Staff Writer
Our Opinion

A bill in the Legislature that gives renters more time to move from foreclosed homes is a needed response to the mortgage crisis.

President Obama came to Arizona this week because this state has been especially hard-hit by foreclosures. And renters often are the overlooked victims.

Under SB 1108, a landlord would have to inform tenants in writing that they might have to move out if a home is sold at a foreclosure sale. And landlords would have to give at least 30 days’ notice of the impending sale.

The bill is sponsored by state Sen. Leah Landrum-Taylor, D-Phoenix, who said too many renters have only days to find a new place to live when a foreclosed home is sold.

A local organization that works with consumers said it is not uncommon for renters to be given as little as five days to move out.

Renters are the innocent parties in foreclosures. Such state protection is badly needed.

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