Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

$340K to help nonprofit agencies here

Citizen Staff Writer



The Community Foundation for Southern Arizona will donate $340,000 to area nonprofit groups to help make up for the impact the soft economy is having on their operations.

Applications will be accepted online only, said Kristine Welter, communications officer for the agency. It doesn’t require a full proposal.

Grantees will be announced in May.

The money will come from the foundation’s Economic Relief and Stability Fund, she said in a news release.

An “organizational and community assessment” must be completed by agencies that want to compete for funds.

“The grant-making process has been modified to address the current needs of the community brought on by the current economic crisis” she said.

The process will not lose sight of “southern Arizona’s long-term needs,” Welter said in the release.

The foundation will work with “nonprofits, donors, businesses, government and other funders” to identify needs of the community and the assets available to meet those needs, she said.

Areas that will receive priority for funding are work force development and skills training, lifelong learning, arts, culture and heritage and healthy people and quality of life.

The deadline to apply is 5 p.m. March 9.

Go to www.cfsoaz.org/communityinvestmentgrants to apply.

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