Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

Pima Community College troupe cuts loose with ‘Footloose’

Citizen Staff Writer



Choreographer Mickey Nugent can really get into the spirit of Pima Community College’s upcoming production of “Footloose.”

“The (students) love dancing to all the pop moves,” Nugent says, right before leaping out of his chair and demonstrating the moves of the Dolphin, Worm, and the Roger Rabbit. “We wanted to do something people could tap their toes to.”

Those in attendance opening night Feb. 26 can do more than that. They’re encouraged to dress in ’80s attire and big hair.

The fashion will complement the setting of the 1984 pop culture hit that starred Kevin Bacon as the rebellious new kid in town who reminds his peers and the crotchety conservative elders of a small, Bible Belt community that life needs music, dance and laughter. He and his friends fight city hall for the right to party, citing the Bible call for “a time to dance.”

Nugent is joined at the helm by director and Pima graduate Todd Poelstra.

“(Footloose) is about family dysfunction, listening to your kids, your parents, and it takes this rebel to get everyone to cut loose,” says Nugent, a veteran of theater and dance for more than 30 years. He has starred in and directed such well-known shows as “Cats,” “Grease” and “Oklahoma.”

Nugent came to Tucson in 2001 to be with his family and has taught at Pima since 2003.

The live version of “Footloose,” he assures, has all the iconic hits like Bonnie Tyler’s “Holding Out for A Hero,” and Kenny Loggins’ title song.

The Pima troupe was briefly disappointed after hearing of Broadway in Tucson’s production of “Grease,” PCC’s original choice, scheduled for the same weekend. Switching to “Footloose” was a wise move, avoiding box office disaster while offering another recognizable hit title.

“We hadn’t done musicals for a long time. We’ve found the funding and staff to make things work,” Poelstra says. He describes Nugent’s coming on board as “destiny.”

“The students had great heart but they were raw, Nugent says. “Now we’re ready.”

PCC troupe cuts loose with ‘Footloose’


What: Pima Community College Theatre Arts presents “Footloose”

When: The show previews at 7:30 p.m. Feb. 25 and continues at 7:30 p.m. Wednesdays-Saturdays and 2 p.m. Sundays through March 8.

Where: Center for the Arts, Proscenium Theatre, 2202 W. Anklam Road (West Campus.)

Price: $18, with discounts available

Info: 206-6986, www.pima.edu/cfa

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