Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

Ex-Cat Edgerson charged with domestic violence

Citizen Staff Writer



Former University of Arizona basketball player Eugene Edgerson, 31, was released from the Pima County Jail on his own recognizance Thursday after he was arrested on a charge of domestic violence assault.

He was arraigned at 9 a.m., a jail worker said.

A sheriff’s spokeswoman, Deputy Dawn Barkman, said deputies were called to the ex-Wildcat’s home in the 8400 block of West Benidorn Loop about 11:30 p.m. Wednesday in response to a report of domestic violence.

She said deputies saw a man, woman and small child at the front door of the home.

Edgerson’s wife, whose name was not provided by authorities, told a deputy Edgerson had assaulted her by pulling her hair.

Edgerson told deputies the altercation was verbal. Barkman said deputies saw the woman’s hair was in “disarray.”

Edgerson, a fan favorite, attended UA from 1996 to 2001 and played for the Wildcats in two Final Fours, including on the 1997 national championship team.

In 2007, he toured the world with the Harlem Globetrotters, for whom he worked for several years.

He studied education at UA and had been a student teacher at a kindergarten here. Information on his current employment was not available.

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