Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

UA’s next hoops coach should be . . .


Without a doubt Russ Pennell should get the job! He has proved that he is respectful of the students and fans, the team plays hard for him and his strategies at the last two home games demonstrate how we can have winning games under his leadership.

Charlotte Harris

Responding to the request in (Thursday’s) Citizen, I think Russ Pennell should be the next head coach. He has given his all to the team and the university with no promises for the future. He has brought the team a long way. If we let him get away and the school that is sure to snap him up should play UA, I just might root for the other guys. Additionally, when we have a proven talent, how can the expense of a nationwide search be justified in these economic times?

Norrine McMillan

The only way to ensure the selection and recruitment of the best coach possible is to take the decision and the selection process out of Livingood’s hands. That is apparently not going to happen.


Kerr, give it up. Pitino, stay home. Donovan or die. Lute, thank you.


The Citizen and Greg Hansen would be advised to suggest younger, on-the-rise coaches at midmajor teams. A more appropriate fit for the U of A system might be Dana Altman of Creighton who has a 343-208 overall record in 18 seasons as a Division I head coach with 7 NCAA tournament berths. Others include: Sean Miller of Xavier, Darin Horne of South Carolina, John Pelphrey of Arkansas, Jim Christian of TCU, Marvin Menzies of New Mexico State, Randy Bennett of St. Mary’s and Steve Alford of New Mexico.

Bob Bunyard

I feel that a lot of ex UA players should have some input into the ability of these potential coaches. I feel confident that Livengood & President S. will make a wise choice. Remember, nothing is guaranteed, but this will be an exciting selection. I can’t wait to hear who our next coach will be.


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