Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

Suspended freshmen of little help

Citizen Staff Writer
Wildcat blog


What happens to freshmen Garland Judkins and D.J. Shumpert for next season will not be soon determined.

Does it really matter? The two haven’t played that much to this point to be considered factors. The next Arizona coach – to be hired sometime in late March or early April – will make those decisions.

The two were suspended Friday for violating team rules.

Judkins already had been suspended twice by the current basketball staff. The first time was for complaining about not playing enough.

As for Santa Rita High School grad Shumpert, he was offered a scholarship knowing it would be year-to-year deal. He’s a glorified walk-on, as it is now. He’s a good kid, though, and is quiet.

Not much is known of Judkins. Five months into the season and he’s had maybe two moments with the media. Frankly, the only times we’ve wanted to talk to him are after his suspensions. Not a good sign for a college student-athlete.

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