Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

Pima willl offer lecture on study tours, hikes

Citizen Staff Writer

If you’ve always wanted to take one of Pima Community College’s study tours but were not sure which one to choose, a solution is in the offing March 5.

At 6:30 p.m., the college will host a free lecture exploring a sampling of PCC’s educational study tours and hikes.

The Flavors of Southern Arizona lecture will feature “samples” of exploring Arizona backroads, tales of Geronimo, and the ghost town of Ruby, near the Mexican border.

The lecture is at PCC’s Community Campus, 401 N. Bonita Ave. It is open to the public at no charge.

For more information about the event event and other upcoming programs and classes at PCC, call 206-4500 or visit pima.edu.



Pima willl offer lecture on study tours, hikes

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