Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

Crowd creates ‘fun atmosphere’ for UA

Citizen Staff Writer
Wildcat blog

TEMPE – The crowd at Wells Fargo Arena was unbelievable Sunday night.

It was ASU’s first sellout since UA played here last season. The Sun Devils beat the Wildcats 70-68 Sunday night, their fourth straight victory over Arizona.

The announced crowd was 14,123. It was an 80-20 percent mix favoring ASU.

“That’s the best atmosphere I’ve ever been in at Wells Fargo,” said UA interim coach Russ Pennell, a former ASU assistant. “I’ve been here many times. It was far and away (the best). From the opening tip, I could hear it in the locker room.

“They were at a fever pitch. And we had some fans that were pretty noisy when we made a run. It was a great college environment.”

Said UA junior Chase Budinger: “There was more energy (compared to past years). It was a fun atmosphere to play in.”

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