Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

Guard Judkins suspended indefinitely

Citizen Staff Writer
Wildcat blog



Arizona guard Garland Judkins will be suspended indefinitely, but fellow freshman teammate D.J. Shumpert could return to wearing a uniform as soon as Thursday.

UA interim coach Russ Pennell said if Shumpert “does what he needs to do, he’ll make the trip” to the Washington schools.

UA faces Washington State at 7 p.m. Thursday in Pullman, Wash., and meets Washington at 1 p.m. Saturday in Seattle.

Judkins, a 6-foot-3 reserve guard, won’t be allowed to practice, Pennell said.

It’s not clear if he’ll return the rest of the season. Two weeks remain in the regular season. This is his third suspension this season.

“It’s just not living up to team standards,” said Pennell, looking disappointed in having to talk about it.

Judkins and Shumpert did not make UA’s trip to Arizona State on Sunday in Tempe, where ASU won 70-68.

Despite the situation, Pennell and Judkins exchanged handshakes and hellos right after Pennell had his weekly session with the media at McKale Center on Monday.

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