Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

‘What are you smoking down there, and is it the same stuff the city council uses?’ Spirit of Zenger

Citizen Staff Writer



The story: A Tucson Citizen editorial catalogs the progress being made on Rio Nuevo downtown.

Your take: Progress? What progress? Our online commenters ask the Citizen to do a reality check.

“The ineptitude in planning, funding and carrying out a gentrified downtown goes WAY back further than the global recession,” notes Rytter.

“You can’t blame the failures of Rio Nuevo on the global recession that started just a few months ago,” agrees Sultan of Swat. “If the city of Tucson is lucky enough to save its project funding, the last thing it needs is more pollyanna cheerleading from the newspapers.”

“Focus on what can be attained NOW and complete it before we go on to another project,” suggests saberknight.

Quips Carl123: ” ‘Our Opinion: Downtown is Happening’ – Very ironic statement from a newspaper that is going down the tubes because it didn’t know what was happening.”



For Monday, Feb. 23

1 Speed-enforcement cameras facing opposition.

2 Our Opinion: Downtown is happening.

3 Anthony Gimino column: Cats still in hunt for NCAAs.

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