Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

Pennell sheds woolly look after loss

Citizen Staff Writer
The Bounce



Hair today, gone tomorrow.

It looks like Arizona interim basketball coach Russ Pennell will get rid of his facial hair, which has been a goatee for the past two weeks after he had a short-cut beard the first week.

Pennell had decided to grow facial hair and some of his players followed along, deciding not to get a shave until UA lost.

Sunday was that day as Arizona fell 70-68 at Arizona State.

“It’s time to move on from that,” Pennell said, smiling.

He said late Sunday that he wasn’t sure if he’d keep the goatee, but on Monday he quipped it had been dark at the house and he “didn’t want to cut himself.”

Guard Nic Wise said he wasn’t sure what he was going to do. Some of the other coaches and administrators kind of liked the hairy look.

Heck, Pennell said, there had been talk of sporting Mohawks.

“We talked about crazy stuff,” Pennell said. “What if we won the Pac-10? Mohawks?”

He said he thought, “I would (get one) if it makes you play better.”

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