Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

Hold that Tiger at bay?

Citizen Staff Writer



A good turn of luck already belongs to Australian Brendan Jones, who is the next in line for the eye of the Tiger.

“I’ve been watching the ratings since the end of the year and because I haven’t played anywhere I’ve been sliding and sliding,” Jones said Monday. “And I’m thinking to myself, ‘Should I be playing? Should I be out practicing?’ ”

Jones is ranked No. 64 at this week’s Accenture Match Play Championship and that means he plays No. 1 Tiger Woods. The latter begins his comeback from injury after eight months in match play against Jones at 12:02 p.m. Wednesday.

Jones, 33, plays most of his pro golf from April to December, mainly for family reasons, thus the inactivity.

It’s a waiting game and he found out he made the top 64 while doing landscaping at his home in New South Wales last week. A few days later, he learned who his opponent would be.

“I was hoping . . .” Jones said. “I got a few chills up the back when I heard about Tiger. . . . I’m excited. I’m nervous. If I get beat by anybody, I would like to get beat by Tiger.”

Would he lay odds on himself?

“I probably put the house on Tiger,” he said with a laugh.

Then, seriously, he said: “I didn’t fly all this way to lose. I’m here to try to beat him. And there’s been some funny things happen in sport.

“I’m up against it, but I’m hoping that I’ll put in a good effort.”


Accenture Match Play bracket

Wednesday’s tee times

Nineteen-year-old McIlroy already feels like a veteran

Litke: Can Tiger pick up where he left off?


When: Monday-Tuesday (practice). Wednesday-Sunday (play)

Where: Marana’s Ritz-Carlton Golf Course, Dove Mountain

Tickets: 571-0400, or www.worldgolfchampionships.com

Purse: $8.5 million (winner gets $1.35 million)

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