Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

City talking to Raytheon about property annexation

Citizen Staff Writer



City Manager Mike Hein is negotiating with Raytheon Missile Systems to annex its property at Tucson International Airport.

If completed, the annexation would account for some of the $1 million in annexation-related sales tax revenues Tucson is counting on to fill its more than $30 million budget deficit for the fiscal year beginning July 1.

Hein said Monday that because the deal is still being worked out, more specific revenue projections were unavailable.

He said the city is working to annex other properties before July that would also contribute to the $1 million expected in new revenues from annexations.

To complete the annexation, Tucson needs the backing of more than half of the owners in the district and owners of property that accounts for more than half of the assessed valuation.

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