Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

Man dies when car rolls on NW Side

Citizen Staff Writer
Law and Order Report



A man died after losing control of his car on the Northwest Side on Monday, rolling it several times, a sheriff’s spokeswoman said.

The man was identified as Eric James Wells, 38, of the Tucson area, said Pima County Sheriff’s Deputy Dawn Barkman.

The crash occurred about 8:35 a.m. Wells, who was headed west on West Linda Vista Boulevard between North Vendone Avenue and North Camino de Oeste, tried to pass a car by driving onto the road’s dirt shoulder, Barkman said.

Wells lost control, his car rolled and he was thrown from the vehicle, she said.

Wells, who was critically injured, was taken to a hospital where he died later in the morning, Barkman said.

She did not know if he was wearing a seat belt.

No one else was injured in the crash, she said.

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