Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

Clinic seeks volunteers in cervical cancer study

Citizen Staff Writer

The Arizona Cancer Center is looking for women to participate in a study that looks at whether a green tea extract may help prevent cervical cancer.

The study will determine whether Polyphenon E affects cancer-related biomarkers in blood or cervical tissue or both in certain types of women.

The study is recruiting women who already have had a diagnosis of persistent cervical dysplasia/CIN1, human papillomavirus or LSIL and low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions for at least the last 6 to 12 months. Eligible participants will take either 800 milligram capsules of Polyphenon E or a matched placebo for four months.

For additional study-related information, contact Dr. Francisco Garcia at 626-8539 or Bonnie Weible at 318-7178.



Cancer center is looking for participants for cervical cancer study

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