Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

Passenger killed in crash ID’d

Citizen Staff Writer



Tucson police have identified the third victim in Sunday’s fatal wreck involving an ambulance.

A 71-year-old man who was a passenger in the ambulance was identified Tuesday as Doroteo Villasana-Almeda, said Officer Charles Rydzak, a police spokesman.

Villasana-Almeda, a friend of the patient in the ambulance, was one of the three people killed in a high-speed crash near Grant Road and the Interstate 10 frontage road that left six others injured.

Rydzak said Andres E. Hernandez, 20, was traveling south on North Freeway Road at about 4 a.m. Sunday when he ran a red light and struck a Southwest ambulance that was westbound on Grant.

Hernandez and his 25-year-old passenger, Luis C. Sanchez, died in the crash.

When the Dodge Charger driven by Hernandez hit the ambulance, it knocked the ambulance onto its side. The ambulance then skidded south on Freeway Road, hitting a pickup truck traveling east on Grant, Rydzak said.

The 18-year-old man driving the truck had minor injuries, Rydzak said, and the paramedics and patient in the ambulance also had minor injuries.

Hernandez was traveling at high speed when he ran the red light, police said, but it was unclear whether alcohol was a factor in the crash.

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