Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

Coach leaves Lancers hoops job to run businesses in Phoenix

Citizen Staff Writer



After three years coaching the Salpointe boys basketball team, the demands of the business world have forced Sean Loomer to resign, he said.

He posted a 48-40 record at Salpointe, including a 25-7 record in the 2007-08 season that included a Class 5A Southern-I Region championship and a 5A-I state quarterfinal appearance.

“It was a very hard decision,” Loomer said. “It’s very sad to go because we’ve got the thing going in the right direction.”

Loomer has two going concerns: a nutrition business and a prepaid debit card business named Yo It’s Me Inc. They will require him to be based in Phoenix, he said.

He also recently became president of the Basketball Club International, which runs camps and arranges exhibition games around the world.

Loomer informed his team of the decision Tuesday.

“There is a solid foundation there,” said Salpointe athletic director Phil Gruensfelder. “Sean did a great job the last couple years and worked real hard.”

Gruensfelder said the school will “sit tight” through the weekend and begin the search for a coach next week.

Loomer said he plans to coach the Arizona Premier club in Phoenix, the team University of Arizona men’s basketball coach Russ Pennell once coached.

Coach leaves Lancers hoops job to run businesses in Phoenix

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