Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

Teen guilty of murder of Santa Rita student

Citizen Staff Writer
Law and Order Report



A 19-year-old Tucson man was convicted Wednesday of first-degree murder in the January 2008 slaying of another youth.

A Pima County Superior Court jury also convicted Anthony Richard Encinas of attempted robbery and attempted aggravated robbery.

Judge Howard Fell will sentence Encinas on April 6. For the first-degree murder charge, Fell will sentence him to life in prison either without parole or with parole possible after 25 years.

Santa Rita High School student Derreck Burruss, 16, was gunned down as he and two friends were walking home from Park Place mall after watching a movie.

They were approached along South Wilmot Road by two other youths, police said. Those youths got into a confrontation with Burruss and his friends and one of them pulled a pistol and shot Burruss at about 12:30 a.m., police said.

Police also arrested Raymond Godoy, 17, who is set to go on trial late next month.

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