Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

Re: Freshman Kyle Fogg steps up game for Cats


Olson found a gem in Fogg

• This is the type of guy we used to recruit: An unsung hero who is unselfish and plays his heart out. He’s gonna be an All-Star in a few years. Fogg should be on the All-Pac-10 freshmen team. GDOG

• Kyle has been a great contributor, but he needs to be a better ballhandler to back up the point guard. DSTOWE

• Lute grabs one more diamond in the rough before he retires. To think Fogg was barely getting recruited. He will be a great four-year player. 4274

• I was hoping he was going to take a late shot in the ASU game. He was the hot hand but not yet the go-to guy. WILBUR ROCKS

• There is a great deal of fog in the Northwest this time of year. Kyle should feel at home. Jamelle Horne showed signs of life at ASU and Zane Johnson continues to improve. Now we could use them to grow up and contribute. – GREAT PROGRASTINATOR

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