Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

Pennell Pac-10′s coach of year?

Citizen Staff Writer
Wildcat blog

Steve Rivera

He has a chance to be the Pacific-10 Conference basketball coach of the year, but Arizona interim coach Russ Pennell isn’t going there.

Others might.

Apparently, some television analysts have said Pennell is a front-runner, along with other newcomers Craig Robinson of Oregon State and Mike Montgomery of California.

Pennell declined to go into detail about his thoughts on the award, saying it’s more about the players and not the coach.

“But it’s an honorable award,” Pennell admitted.

“It’s flattering for someone to say that but I don’t think a lot about those things,” he said.

Time will tell. Pennell likely get some votes. How he does in the next two weeks will make a difference. To this point, with UA 18-9 overall and 8-6 in the conference, he deserves plenty of pats on the back.

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