Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

UA names dean for Phx. med school

Citizen Staff Writer



The University of Arizona College of Medicine has named Dr. Stuart Flynn dean of the Phoenix campus.

Flynn has spent almost a year with the title of “interim dean,” since Edward “Ted” Shortliffe resigned in April 2008 after he was told by then-dean of the College of Medicine Keith Joiner that his title would be changed from dean to vice dean.

Flynn was the associate dean for academics when he was made interim dean. Joiner resigned in July.

“Dr. Flynn has done a superior job in taking the reins of the important expansion of the College of Medicine,” said Dr. William Crist, vice president of health affairs for UA, in a statement announcing Flynn’s title change. “He is the right person to continue leading this campus and I have every confidence that the Phoenix campus will continue to grow, succeed and serve the state of Arizona under his leadership.”

Crist announced in October that the university would no longer be recruiting for the dean position at the Phoenix campus. He then announced in January that he had no intention of replacing Flynn or the interim dean of the College of Medicine, Steven Goldschmid.

The Phoenix campus started training its first class of 24 in July 2007 and administrators expect 150 physician graduates a year by 2015. The College of Medicine in Tucson graduates about 110 physicians a year.

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