Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

Annexations to bring cash

Citizen Staff Writer
Our Opinion

A Tucson annexation of Raytheon Missile Systems property at Tucson International Airport, along with other local annexations, could increase tax revenues enough to help the city stave off its budget crisis.

Raytheon, long a good neighbor in the Tucson community, should move forward with annexation for its good as well as the city’s.

With annexation comes full rights to city services, including Tucson’s top-flight firefighters and police.

More than half of property owners in any district must agree to annexation, as must owners of property whose values amount to more than half of assessed valuation.

Annexations sought by City Manager Mike Hein could produce $1 million in tax revenue, a sorely needed infusion of funds that could save jobs and services in this dire economy.

We hope these property owners will agree to become part of Tucson.

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