Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

Ironwood Ridge, Buena boys advance to state semifinals

Citizen Staff Report

Citizen Staff Report

Chad Carter scored 16 and Lawrence Hampton added 14 as defending Class 5A Division II boys basketball champion Ironwood Ridge beat Yuma 65-46 Saturday.

The Nighthawks, the tournament’s No. 1 seed, move to Friday’s 5A-II semifinals at the Jobing.com Arena in Glendale. Ironwood Ridge will play No. 12 Phoenix South Mountain at 12:45 p.m.

In 5A-I quarterfinal action, No. 6 Sierra Vista Buena went on the road and knocked off No. 3 Mesa Mountain View 61-50 to advance to Wednesday’s semifinal in Glendale’s Jobing.com Arena.

The Colts outscored Mountain View 24-12 in the final quarter for the win. Buena got double-digit scoring from five players – Anthony Miller (15 points), Casey Mackin (13), Daniel Chavez (11), Derek Lane (11) and D’Che Milburn (11).

Buena will play No. 2 Phoenix St. Mary’s at 6 p.m. Wednesday in the 5A-I semifinals.

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