Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

Sheriff detectives probe $500,000 arson

Citizen Staff Writer
Law and Order Report



Sheriff’s detectives are continuing an investigation to learn who set fire to a Northwest Side home and business, causing an estimated $500,000 damage.

Fires were set in two places at opposite ends of the home some time Friday night, said Deputy Dawn Barkman, a sheriff’s spokeswoman.

The home’s owners and their two children were out of town when the fire was set and there were no injuries, said Katherine Heiden, a Northwest Fire District spokeswoman.

Heiden said “Jester,” Northwest Fire’s black Labrador retriever, trained to detect accelerants, hit on a number of places in the home. That indicated accelerant had been spread in several places in the 2,414-square-foot house in the 6600 block of North Oracle Road near West Casas Adobes Drive, Heiden said.

The fire was reported about 9:15 p.m. Friday by a neighbor, Heiden said.

The house also housed the business, “Psychic Readings by Anna,” Heiden said.

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