Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

List of candidates for police chief cut to 4

Citizen Staff Writer
Law and Order Report



The list of candidates to be Tucson’s next police chief was shortened to four Monday.

Officials told Joseph Curreri, captain III, area commanding officer, of the Los Angeles Police Department, that he was no longer in the running.

“I would have very much liked to have been the chief there, ” he said Monday, “but they said they were going to explore the other four candidates.”

Tucson’s Director of Human Resources Cindy Bezaury said the elimination stemmed from rankings submitted by panel discussions and interviews Feb. 24-26.

“It’s purely a civil service recruitment,” she said.

The final four candidates are Capt. Brett Klein of the Tucson Police Department, Assistant Chief John Leavitt of the Tucson Police Department, Assistant Chief Blake McClelland of the Phoenix Police Department and retired Chief Mark Paresi of the North Las Vegas Police Department.

The City Council is slated to interview the four during a May 10 study session, Bezaury said.

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