Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

Re: UA men’s basketball


Cats need to learn how to finish off opponents

• Ya know, we are good. The problem is we need to learn to finish right now. If we are so bad like all of you think we are, then I don’t think we would have beaten both Washington schools, Kansas, UCLA, Gonzaga, USC, Houston, etc. So please spare me the lecture on how “bad” we are. You look at our losses and I think two out of the 11 were blowouts and the rest we had a chance to win. So please! We will be fine for Thursday and Saturday. ASU may have 21 wins, but with their cupcake schedule to be only one game over 20 wins is ridiculous.


• I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. NO HEART.

They seemed at times desperate, aloof and nonchalant. No sense of urgency, no desperation, no killer instinct.


• It has been a long season thus far, but there are still games to be played and this group will be playing in EVERY GAME this year! As opposed to recent years when some of the players obviously threw in the towel before Valentine’s Day and the rest were left to limp into the postseason.


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