Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

Gunman robs Oro Valley sandwich shop

Citizen Staff Writer
Law and Order Report



A gun-toting man robbed an Oro Valley sandwich shop over the weekend, and Oro Valley police are seeking help to identify and locate him, a police spokeswoman said.

The robbery occurred about 9:30 Sunday night at the Subway sandwich shop at 10565 N. Oracle Road, Elizabeth Wright said Monday.

The man walked into the shop, pulled a pistol on the two employees inside, demanded cash and fled with an undisclosed amount, she said. No shots were fired and no injuries were reported.

The man is described as white, 6 feet 2, with long, dark hair. He was wearing dirty blue jeans, a dark jacket and a baseball cap, Wright said.

She asked anyone knowing anything about the man to call Oro Valley police at 229-4900 or 88-CRIME.

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