Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

‘There is a saying in law enforcement circles: If they are not complaining, you are not doing your job.’ Spirit of Zenger

Citizen Staff Writer



The story: Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano should end the “long-running farce” that is the Maricopa County sheriff’s offensive, embarrassing and ineffective campaign to stop illegal immigration, the Tucson Citizen argues in an editorial.

Your take: We, as a “loathsome rag” (according to Aztlan Buster) and a purveyor of “left-slanted news reporting” (speedwayswanguy), should know better than to mess with Sheriff Joe, says the online community, which in large part praises the efforts of Maricopa County’s top lawman as “fantastic” (Delaware Bob).

Some representative comments:

• “You go, Joe. Keep rounding those leeches up and sending them back where they came from.” – jetmech

• “Joe is doing what the Feds won’t. He needs our backing, not lies told about him.” – Lovesya

• “He has more guts than any 50 politicians combined.” – Bruced923

• “Any time you people get tired of Sherriff Joe, there are plenty of counties in Indiana that would hire him in a heartbeat!” – ry

• “In just over two years without the illegal alien stranglehold on our economy, the current Wall Street crisis and the proposed $700 billion bailout would be paid for, without a cent of tax of U.S. citizens!” – stevo1

• “Joe’s an embarrassment. Between the lawsuits and the cost of his own publicity machine, I do not believe he is a credit to law enforcement or his community.” – robf



For Tuesday, March 3

1 Sheriff Joe’s circus costly and ineffective, study finds.

2 Soldier killed in Afghanistan remembered by Tucson friends.

3 Arizona fourth in spending percentage for corrections.

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This blog page archives the entire digital archive of the Tucson Citizen from 1993 to 2009. It was gleaned from a database that was not intended to be displayed as a public web archive. Therefore, some of the text in some stories displays a little oddly. Also, this database did not contain any links to photos, so though the archive contains numerous captions for photos, there are no links to any of those photos.

There are more than 230,000 articles in this archive.

In TucsonCitizen.com Morgue, Part 1, we have preserved the Tucson Citizen newspaper's web archive from 2006 to 2009. To view those stories (all of which are duplicated here) go to Morgue Part 1

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