Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

Jaguar’s death is loss for state

Citizen Staff Writer
Our Opinion

It is indeed unfortunate that the only jaguar known to be free in Arizona has been captured and euthanized.

The jaguar first was captured in southern Arizona two weeks ago when it was accidentally nabbed in a snare set by the Arizona Game & Fish Department to catch other animals.

The animal was fitted with a collar to provide data on its movements, giving researchers needed information on the rare and secretive big cat.

But tracking data showed that in recent days, the jaguar was traveling less and appeared distressed. He was recaptured and euthanized Monday when blood tests showed he had severe, unrecoverable kidney failure.

We await blood results that will determine if the kidney problems existed when the jaguar was first captured or if stress from the capture led to the health issues.

Great care must be taken to protect these magnificent animals – if any remain in Arizona. The state has lost a treasured resident.

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