Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

Re: UA’s game against Cal on Thursday


Cats need to ‘pick it up’ with Hill hobbled

Jordan Hill needs to be in both games this weekend if we want the streak to be secured. As for him worrying about his pro career, he does still have another year of eligibility if he decides his ankles aren’t ready for this year. No holding back if this is his final year, which is what most of us think. It’s too bad too, because if he and Chase stayed we’d be great next year.


It is kind of strange, but when someone is hurt, the rest of the team picks it up. Cats need to do that to beat a very, very good and well-coached Cal team. Cats cannot afford shots that are not good looks and they must rebound at both ends of the court for second and third shots.


Hope Jordan and Nic (Wise) are better. We need you guys bad! Put Fendi and Lavender in; they did good last game.


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