Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

Re: Slimmer version, but Lute’s still Lute


Tucson owes a lot to Olson

• I had the pleasure of working for Coach O and his great staff as a basketball manager from 2003-2007. It was the greatest experience of my life. Now I am working at ESPN in Bristol, thanks to a letter of recommendation from Coach Olson. We all owe so much to the man who put Tucson on the map and gave us something to be proud of. Thank you for all the great memories. DANNYC10

• A strong and competent AD would have stepped in when Olson’s personality change started to become glaringly apparent. . . . Lute Olson has taken a lot of flack over the past few years, from myself included, but he had no control over a stroke and depression. Unfortunately, we had an AD who did not pay attention to warning signs or comments by people like Jim Rosborough, his lead assistant, and Christine Olson, his former wife, who kept saying they did not recognize that Lute Olson. BHEAD89

• There is no way any AD could have “stepped in” when Lute began displaying personality changes. You do realize that Lute had a far longer tenure, and a better reputation with the public than anyone else in the UA athletic department? What would have been the reaction of the public, of the Board of Regents, if Livengood had taken action against Lute based on his own medical “observations” rather than on any firm medical advice from qualified physicians? Hindsight is a wonderful thing, but please try to be a little more realistic. RJW52

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