Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

Meghan McCain’t get a date

Citizen Staff Writer

The presidential election didn’t go John McCain’s way, but he’s not the only member of the McCain family who is hurting.

Daughter Meghan McCain said the election “killed my personal life.”

McCain, 24, lives in Phoenix and is a 2007 graduate of Columbia University. She wrote for Newsweek magazine then became popular during the campaign for her hip McCain Blogette, in which she showed people what happens behind the scenes of a presidential campaign. Now she is writing for another blog, The Daily Beast.

In a recent posting, McCain – the daughter, not the senator – said her social life is “on life support.”

“Of all the things people warned would happen post-election, no one ever said anything about how complicated dating would become,” McCain wrote. “Especially if your dad loses the election.”

McCain said the election “has destroyed my ability and desire to date.”

Who is McCain looking for in a date? Here’s who she is not looking for: “I am not only turned off by people who voted for Barack Obama, but I am also turned off by people that voted for my dad – or more so, obsessive supporters of my dad.”

McCain says she is “spending a lot of time writing and even more time with my girlfriends.”

And she concludes with this advice: “To all the fathers out there: If you want your daughters to be single in her 20s, I can say this – run for president.”


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