Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

NCAA probe to end by May 1

Citizen Staff Writer
Wildcat blog

Steve Rivera

It’s been five months since news broke that the Arizona men’s basketball program was being investigated by the NCAA for possible violations because of a letter sent to boosters soliciting donations.

The NCAA let UA know when the investigation would end by (May 1) in a letter earlier this month, said Bill Morgan, the school’s compliance officer.

Morgan declined further comment, saying UA’s initial self-reported violations last summer will suffice. Back then, UA athletic director Jim Livengood said it was considered a Level 2 violation of NCAA rules. Normally, only Level 1 violations, involving more than $100 being offered to a specific recruit, result in scholarship losses.

The investigation stems from a letter sent last spring to the Rebounders Club board of directors from now-retired coach Lute Olson’s office, encouraging members to donate to an amateur basketball exhibition tournament at UA.

The letter, marked “personal and confidential,” was printed over Olson’s electronic signature. But Olson said this week, “I didn’t remember a letter going out.”

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