Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

Investigators want to speak with two men after homicide

Citizen Staff Writer



Detectives are seeking two homeless men for questioning in a homicide that occurred Tuesday morning.

The men were seen arguing with Alland Frederick Charles, 23, near the area where his body was found, a Pima County Sheriff’s Department news release said.

Authorities identified one man being sought as Sidney Bryant Graham, 42, who they said is blind.

Authorities have not identified the second man, but he is believed to be in his 50s and was last seen wearing a black pea coat and a black beanie. No other information was available on his clothing. The second man may have suffered a head injury in the argument and a fight, according to the release.

Charles’ body was found by a passer-by under the Interstate 10 overpass at South Craycroft Road about 12:50 a.m., said Deputy Dawn Barkman, a spokeswoman.

Anyone with information on the men is encouraged to dial 911 or 88-CRIME, the Pima County attorney’s anonymous tipster line.

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