Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

Fire at guest house on W. Side displaces 5

Citizen Staff Writer

A guest house fire destroyed the house, displaced five people and caused an estimated $60,000 in damage, said Capt. Trish Tracy, a spokeswoman for the Tucson Fire Department.

The fire, at a guest house in the 1600 block of West Saint Clair Street, near Speedway Boulevard and Silverbell Road, was reported to 911 by several callers. It was caused by an overloaded extension cord, she said.

A neighbor knocked on windows and doors of the house to alert residents to the fire, which started at 2:36 p.m. and was under control by 2:49 p.m.

A woman inside the house escaped on her own and was not injured.

Firefighters were told there were reports of a man inside the main house.

“Twenty-three firefighters and eight units searched for the man multiple times and were unable to locate him,” Tracy said. “It was later determined that he and his wife were not home when the fire started,” she said.

No one was hurt fighting the fire.

The Red Cross will help two residents of the guest house with food, clothing, shelter, and medications. Three family members who live in the main house will get help with shelter while electrical repairs are made to both residences.



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