Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

Hershbergers to receive Haven’s Chrysalis award

Citizen Staff Writer

Freddy and Pete Hershberger will receive The Haven’s annual Chrysalis Award at a luncheon in their honor at the Arizona Inn on March 17.

The Haven is a residential treatment center here for women with substance abuse disorders.

Freddy Hershberger, a former state legislator, ran U.S. Sen. Barry Goldwater’s southern Arizona office from 1969 to 1987.

She has been a “tireless” advocate for children, according to a news release from The Haven.

Pete Hershberger was a state representative who helped start the Children’s Caucus in the Legislature and also is an advocate for children.

He now operates the nonprofit Arizona Center for the Study of Children and Families, which will develop policy and programs for families in poverty and fighting addictions.

Tickets to the lunch are $55 if purchased by Monday and $65 afterward. Call 623-4590 for ticket information.



Hershbergers to receive annual award presented by The Haven

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