Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

Rollover of semi on I-10 ties up traffic for hours

Citizen Staff Writer



A produce-laden semitrailer overturned on Interstate 10 on Thursday morning, tying up traffic for several hours.

Authorities lifted the lane restriction at about 10 a.m. after crews righted the semi and towed it from the scene.

Two people were in the vehicle at the time of the incident: a male driver and female passenger, along with a small dog.

Both people were taken to the hospital with what appeared to be injuries that were not life threatening, said Sgt. A.J. Williams of the Arizona Department of Public Safety. The dog was taken into custody by the Pima Animal Care Center.

The single-vehicle accident occurred at roughly 7:41 a.m. when the driver lost control of the westbound semi. The truck headed into the dirt median just west of the Alvernon Way exit, Williams said. It then veered back into the guardrail and rolled.

Williams said it was too soon tell if drugs, alcohol or speed played a role in the rollover.

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