Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

UHS student heads to D.C. for up-close look at gov’t

Citizen Staff Writer



Levi Wolf became a “political wonk” at age 8 or 9, when he saw Bill O’Reilly on television for the first time.

“I didn’t necessarily agree with everything he said . . . but I was completely captivated,” said Wolf, now a 17-year-old senior at University High School.

Wolf’s passion for politics has resulted in a week-long, all-expenses paid trip to Washington, D.C., starting Saturday. Wolf was selected to represent Arizona at the 47th annual United States Senate Youth Program, and is one of 104 student delegates from around the country who will attend Washington Week.

“I’m really interested in seeing the way government works,” said the native Tucsonan, who is the son of Frank and Debora Wolf.

“I watch it all the time on C-SPAN, and I’m interested in meeting the people that make it work.”

Yvonne Tindell of Gilbert is the other Arizona student selected to attend. The two were selected by Tom Horne, superintendent of public instruction, from hundreds of Arizona applicants.

All student delegates will also receive $5,000 scholarships. Wolf hopes to pursue a law degree at George Washington University.

At UHS, he serves as senior representative to the student council. He is president of Model U.N. and was elected by his school’s team as “Best Overall Delegate.”

Trained in classical piano, he is in a band called The Kingsfoil.

The Senate Youth Program was created in 1962, sponsored by the Senate and funded by The Hearst Foundations. Teens selected rank academically in the top 1 percent of students in their states.

While in Washington, delegates will attend meetings and briefings with Senate leadership, the president, a Supreme Court justice, leaders of Cabinet agencies and top members of the national media.

“I’m really excited to see how government works together,” Wolf said.

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