Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

Memorial to fallen officer is moved a bit

Citizen Staff Writer



Crews will soon break ground on the memorial honoring fallen Tucson police Officer Erik Hite, but not where initially planned.

The memorial will be constructed farther south of East Tanque Verde Road, just northwest of La Mariposa Fitness & Sports Club, 1501 N. Houghton Road.

“This is a more suitable site with more room for parking and visitors without the roar of Tanque Verde,” said Lori Oien, a neighborhood activist and one of the forces behind the memorial.

Oien’s partner in the memorial plan is Boy Scout Kyle Kadous, son of Tucson police Sgt. Anthony Kadous, who is working to attain Eagle Scout ranking with the memorial.

Oien said a number of pavers, or small stones, that people can have engraved with sayings or sentiments are still available at $25 each. Anyone interested can e-mail her at oienjmo@msn.com, or call her at 749-3472.

Memorial plans can be viewed at www.tucsonpolicefoundation.org.

The dedication of the memorial is scheduled for June 2, the first anniversary of Hite’s death. He was shot and killed at age 43 while pursuing a suspect during a cross-town chase.


Memorial to fallen police officer moved to quieter spot

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