Tucson CitizenTucson Citizen

TUSD slates budget meetings with public

Citizen Staff Writer

Tucson Unified School District will hold two Community Budget Forums this week and one next to gather public comment on the projected 2010 budget.

With the state of Arizona facing a $3 billion budget deficit, TUSD is expecting cuts in state funding that range from $30 million to $63 million, district officials say.

This week’s forums will be Wednesday at Tucson High Magnet School, 400 N. Second Ave. and Thursday at Catalina Magnet High, 3645 E. Pima St.

The last one will be March 19 at Cholla High Magnet, 2001 W. Starr Pass Blvd.

All the meetings will be from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m.

TUSD spokeswoman Chyrl Hill Lander said district finance members will be on hand so people will be able to have their questions answered by those who have data to give accurate responses.

Also, Spanish translators will be available at the forums. To request a translator in another language, call 225-6225.



TUSD to hold 3 community budget forums

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